Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Introducing Our Fossilscape Fire Ring

Cozy Fire Rings! 

These interlocking kits can be assembled in minutes!  Perfect for a warm bonfire this winter, or if you want it could easily be fabricated for grilling or apple butter by bolting/screwing directly into our cellulose concrete.  Use this ring for a stunning mulch bed around a tree, even a flowing fountain or an upper filtration pond!

 If you're located in Roanoke, find fire rings and our other cellulose hardscape products at The Turf Store/ Landscape Supply.

Check out Builderscrete.com for more info! (540)-745-5562 Builderscrete@swva.net

More Cellulose Hardscaping in Progress

 Finished photos coming soon!

And here's one of our new in-house display at the factory...
We've blended our Fossilscape Pavers with some meandering lines using our Fossil-fan design.

Check out Builderscrete.com for more info! (540)-745-5562 Builderscrete@swva.net